Tuesday, July 30, 2013

ISARCH awards for architecture students

Прекрасни предложения на студентски проекти могат да се видят в "ISARCH awards for architecture students" .
Някои от проектите напомнят концепт-дизайн за филми за бъдещето, други са фини и естетични. Разнообразие от идеи и форми.
Splendid projects by architecture students might be checked in "ISARCH awards".
Some of them remind us for concept-design for sci-fi movies, others are refine and aesthetic. Variety of ideas and forms.

Източник на изображението: http://www.isarch.org

Източник на изображението: http://www.isarch.org
Източник на изображението: http://www.isarch.org

Източник на изображението: http://www.isarch.org

Thursday, January 24, 2013

В хармония с природата - Watershed House:In Harmony with Nature

Навесът-къща с площ по-мала от 10кв.м. представлява място за уединение в Рен, Орегон. Арх.Ерин Мур от FLOAT Architectural Research and Design създава това малък студио за майка си, която е известна писателка. Целта на "къщата" е тя да има място, където да наблюдава заобикалящата я природа, необезпокоена и в хармония с нея. Постройката е изцяло откъснато от урбанизираната среда, без пряк достъп до път. Тя е изградена от сглобяеми рециклируеми материали, които лесно се сглобяват и разглобяват. Улей от покрива събира дъждовната вода, която се оттичайки подчертава още един елемент от природата - звуците на дъжда.
Тази малка постройка е свидетелство, за минималните нужди на човека, за да бъде в мир с природата около себе си.
Watershed House

Watershed House is a 100-square-foot writer’s retreat located in Wren, Oregon. Architect Erin Moore of FLOAT Architectural Research and Design built this small studio for her mother who is a noted nature writer. The intention of this retreat is to have a place to observe the surrounding ecology without disturbing it. The sustainable retreat is off the grid with no direct road access. It is constructed from prefabricated recyclable materials that can be easily assembled and disassembled. A chute from the roof is designed to let rainwater trickle down a water trough just outside, creating another element of nature with the sounds of rain.
Източник на изображението: http://www.idesignarch.com
Източник на изображението: http://www.idesignarch.com
Източник на изображението: http://www.idesignarch.com
Източник на изображението: http://www.idesignarch.com
Източник на изображението: http://www.idesignarch.com
Източник на изображението: http://www.idesignarch.com

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Organic Ecology:North Point Harbour - Органична Екология:North Point Harbour

The organic ecology urban structure is formulated to respond, to engage with and express the contemporary understanding of community as a series of multiple and distributed networks. The structure is an open, developable and sustainable urban model; modify the urbanity from a regular conventional grid city to an organic pluralistic cell city. Each centrioles are addressed by community or socio-related programs; while the “wall of the cells” are contained the supportive programs for the cell community. The cells are interrelationship with each others, in sociocultural aspect, urban circulation and living quality. When the grid city creates the isolated urban nature; the cells fabric, the organic ecology urban structure suggest an interactive expandable urban model.
This interconnecting precinct of loop elements and courtyards, of open spaces and shaded passageways, with landscaped links and clusters of recreation programs and community service, forms an integrated and coherent ensemble. The landscape matrix and building mass varies in height and openness, and is attuned to the environmental constraints (the fly over) of the site. Internal courtyards provide for a range of landscapes, as well as giving fresh air and light to all the occupancy and user in the site. These court yards also act as communal meeting and entertainment areas.
Commercial, retail and community facilities have been located to develop zones and environments that are lively and socially active, while also providing for variation and disparate spatial experiences. These various facilities have been grouped to produce a critical mass of activity at any one location, but also dispersed enough to create a true community, with a broad range of amenities and day to day facilities and services.
Източник на изображенията: http://www.archdaily.com