В понеделник - 13 февруари беше последния срок за подаване на документите за колективите, които желаят да участват в конкурса за разширението на Москва. От приетите 66 комплекта документи на колективи, ще бъдат подбрани само 10, които ще трябва да разработят концепция за бъдещето разширение на агломерацията.
Москва е град с доста проблеми. Като всеки един световен мегаполис, в градът се сблъскват с ежедневието на проблемното предвижване, задръстванията, пренаселените райони. По официални данни, в града живеят близо 12млн. жители, но реалното число можеби е доста по-голямо. Една от основните идеи за новата концепция е да се предвидят нови територии за държавен административен център, който би следвало да облекчи функционирането на съществуващия, както и жилищни територии за нови 2млн. московчани. Общото нарастване ще е с 105млн.кв.м разгъната застроена площ, от които 60млн. за жилищни нужди и 45млн. за обслужване. А териториално Москва буквално ще се "удвои".
Интересно е, че мнението дали ще спомогне това разширение за по-доброто функциониране на града сред жителите, се движи на ръба между "за" и "против". В московското общество се водят дискусии за бъдещото развитие - дали това е възможност за планиране на "идеален град" или ще се мултиплицират проблемите на агломерацията. Предвидената територия е със слаба съществуваща комуникационна обвързаност с компактния град, което се явява и голяма пречка за правилното й функциониране.
Какви ще бъдат резултатите, само бъдещето ще покаже. До края на месец август 2012г. 10-те предложения ще са налице и ще се организира едномесечна изложба и дискусии.
Нека не забравяме, че един от показателните примери за концептуално градоустройство през 20век се е явил конкурса за развитие на гр.Москва от 1932г. И сега - 80 години по-късно, имаме шанса да видим нови урбанистични чудеса.
Moscow - a city of wonders or doubled trouble
Monday, February 13th was the deadline for submission of documents for teams willing to participate in the competition for the new expansion of Moscow. From the submitted 66 sets of documents of the teams only 10 will be selected , who will need to develop a concept for the future expansion of the conurbation.
Moscow is a city with a lot of problems. Like any other metropolis in the world the city faces the problem of everyday transportation, traffic congestions, overcrowded areas. According to official data, near 12 million residents live in the city, but the real number probably is much greater. One of the main ideas of the new concept is to provide new sites for government administrative centre that should facilitate the functioning of the existing one and new residential areas for 2 million. The overall areal increase will be 105million square meters build-up area from which 60million for housing and 45million - service. The territory of Moscow will literally be "doubled".
Interestingly, the opinion what the extension will help with to better functioning among residents of the city, moving the edge between "for" and "cons". In Moscow society discussions on the future are ongoing - whether it is possible to plan an "ideal city" or will this multiply the problems of the agglomeration. The planned adopted area is with poor transportation links with the compact city, which is also the major obstacle to its proper functioning.
What will be the results, only the future will show. By the end of August 2012 the 10 proposals will be available and a month-long exhibition and discussion will be organized.
However, let's not forget that one of the illustrative examples for conceptual city planning in the 20th century appeared the contest for development in Moscow from 1932. And now - 80 years later, we have a chance to see new urban wonders.
Moscow - a city of wonders or doubled trouble
Monday, February 13th was the deadline for submission of documents for teams willing to participate in the competition for the new expansion of Moscow. From the submitted 66 sets of documents of the teams only 10 will be selected , who will need to develop a concept for the future expansion of the conurbation.
Moscow is a city with a lot of problems. Like any other metropolis in the world the city faces the problem of everyday transportation, traffic congestions, overcrowded areas. According to official data, near 12 million residents live in the city, but the real number probably is much greater. One of the main ideas of the new concept is to provide new sites for government administrative centre that should facilitate the functioning of the existing one and new residential areas for 2 million. The overall areal increase will be 105million square meters build-up area from which 60million for housing and 45million - service. The territory of Moscow will literally be "doubled".
Interestingly, the opinion what the extension will help with to better functioning among residents of the city, moving the edge between "for" and "cons". In Moscow society discussions on the future are ongoing - whether it is possible to plan an "ideal city" or will this multiply the problems of the agglomeration. The planned adopted area is with poor transportation links with the compact city, which is also the major obstacle to its proper functioning.
What will be the results, only the future will show. By the end of August 2012 the 10 proposals will be available and a month-long exhibition and discussion will be organized.
However, let's not forget that one of the illustrative examples for conceptual city planning in the 20th century appeared the contest for development in Moscow from 1932. And now - 80 years later, we have a chance to see new urban wonders.
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